【2024年度下半期】今年度に入ってからのアイデンティティ関連の動きが速すぎる件〜リンク付き一覧【更新中】 #2



  1. 10/1 OpenID Connect が ISO/IEC 26231〜9として出版 [B]
  2. 10/4 OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Final Published
  3. 10/7 マイナ保険証利用時の手続き簡素化:10月7日から開始 [B]
  4. 10/7 NIST IR 8480 (Initial Public Draft) Attribute Validation Services for Identity Management: Architecture, Security, Privacy, and Operational Considerations パブコメ開始 [W]
  5. 10/8 RFC 9635 Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol (GNAP) Published
  6. 10/15 OpenID Foundation Announcing the IPSIE WG (Interoperability Profiling for Secure Identity in the Enterprise Working Group)
  7. 10/15 ISO/IEC TS 18013-7:2024 Mobile driving licence (mDL) add-on functions published
  8. 10/15 “G7 Mapping Exercise of Digital Identity Approaches” 公開 [W]
  9. 10/18 FIDO Alliance’s Credential Exchange Specifications (Working Draft) [W]
    • Credential Exchange Protocol
    • Credential Exchange Format
  10. 10/22 Call for Experts: Join the ENISA Ad Hoc Working Group on EU Digital Identity Wallets Cybersecurity Certification [W]
  11. 10/24 Required Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [W]
  12. 10/24 Why Verifiable Credentials Aren’t Widely Adopted & Why Trinsic Pivoted | by Riley Hughes | Oct, 2024 | Medium [W]
  13. 10/24 UK » New data laws aim to ‘improve public services and boost economy by £10 billion’ | The Independent [W, W]
  14. 10/24 Notice of Vote for Proposed AuthZEN Authorization API 1.0 Implementer’s Draft
  15. 10/29 「マイナ免許証」来年3月24日開始 政府決定 [W]
  16. 11/8 Block 配下のWeb5ベンチャー tbdが解散。[t]
  17. 11/13 NIST IR 8517 Hardware Security Failure Scenarios: Potential Hardware Weaknesses [W]
  18. 11/14 NIST SP 800-157 Rev. 1 (Final Public Draft) Guidelines for Derived Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Credentials [W]
  19. 11/14 NIST SP 800-217 (Final Public Draft) Guidelines for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Federation [W]
  20. 11/22 EUDIW の Implementing acts が可決 [X]
  21. 11/22 11/22 Proposed Regulations on CCPA Updates, Cybersecurity Audits, Risk Assessments, Automated Decisionmaking Technology (ADMT), and Insurance Companies (California Privacy Protection Agency) [W]
  22. 11/25 UK digital identity and attributes trust framework (0.4) 発表 [X]
  23. 11/26 オーストラリア消費者データ権利法(?)のパブコメ11/26に開始 [X]
  24. 11/28 EUDIWに関するコア機能と認証の規則を欧州デジタルアイデンティティ・フレームワークの下で採択[X]
  25. 11/28 EU デジタルアイデンティティウォレット(EUDIW)の実施規則を採択 [X]
  26. 11/28 欧州委員会、新たに5つのデジタルウォレット関連の実施法案を公表 [X]
  27. 11/28 Draft ETSI TS 119 471 V0.0.11 (2024-11) [X]
  28. 11/28 CICのクレジットガイダンス(信用スコア)をインターネット開示 [X]
  29. 11/28 オーストラリア議会上院 16歳未満の子どもSNS禁止法案可決 [X]
  30. 11/28 Block、分散型デジタルIDのオープンソース技術をDIFに移管 [B] *
  31. 12/3 フランスの主要4大携帯通信事業者(Bouygues Telecom、Free、Orange、SFR)は、デジタルID保護の強化とオンライン詐欺対策のために共同イニシアチブを発表 [B] *
  32. 12/6 ITU-T OpenWallet Forum First Government Consultative Committee e-meeting [W]
  33. 12/7 Notice of Vote for Proposed Implementer’s Draft of OpenID4VP Specification [X]
  34. 12/9 “SIDI Tokyo Summit Report” 公開
  35. 12/12 パスキー・セントラル 日本語版公開 [W]
  36. 12/14 Apple Walletのデジタル運転免許証、対応地域が10カ所に拡大 [B] *
  37. 12/16 mixi2公開 [W]
  38. 12/16 個人情報の違法提供、対価の全額を課徴金に 個情委案:日本経済新聞 [W]


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@_Nat Zoneをもっと見る



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