EUデジタルアイデンティティウォレット EUDIW の Implementing Act (実施法)のパブコメが始まりました

8月12日に、EUデジタルアイデンティティウォレット EUDIW の Implementing Act (実施法)のパブコメが始まりました。誰でもパブコメを送ることができます。9月9日までです。



欧州デジタルIDウォレット – 認証 (certification)

この取り組みは、欧州デジタルIDウォレットの適合性認証の要件を定めることを目的としています。加盟国が規則(EU) 2019/881に基づく欧州サイバーセキュリティ認証スキームを使用できない場合、またはそのようなスキームが十分でない場合、それらを補完するために国内認証スキームを確立しなければなりません。これらのスキームは、例えば、能力要件と評価プロセスを指定する必要があります。

欧州デジタルIDウォレット – サポートされるべきプロトコルとインターフェース


  • 識別データと電子証明書の発行と提示の成功
  • ウォレットユニット間のデータ共有の成功
  • 関連する当事者との効率的なコミュニケーション

欧州デジタルIDウォレット – 完全性と中核機能


  • 幅広い公共および民間サービスのための安全なオンライン越境識別
  • 電子証明書の共有
  • 電子署名の発行

欧州デジタルIDウォレット – 信頼フレームワーク


欧州デジタルIDウォレット – 個人識別データと属性の電子証明書



European Digital Identity Wallets – certification

This initiative aims to lay down the requirements for certification of the conformity of European Digital Identity Wallets. Where Member States cannot use European cybersecurity certification schemes based on Regulation (EU) 2019/881 or if such schemes are not sufficient, they must establish national certification schemes to supplement them. These schemes must, for instance, specify the competence requirements and an evaluation process.

European Digital Identity Wallets – protocols and interfaces to be supported

This is one of four initiatives on the main set-up of the European Digital Identity Wallets. It aims to ensure the proper implementation of protocols and interfaces crucial for the effective operation of the wallets.

By supporting common protocols and interfaces, the wallets can guarantee:

  • successful issuance and presentation of identification data and electronic attestations;
  • successful data sharing between wallet units; and
  • efficient communication with relevant parties.

European Digital Identity Wallets – integrity and core functionalities

This is one of four initiatives on the main set-up of the European Digital Identity Wallets. It aims to lay down rules to ensure that Member States provide wallets that are interoperable and can be used for all their intended purposes.

For example, the wallets should enable:

  • secure online cross-border identification for a wide range of public and private services;
  • sharing of electronic attestations; and
  • issuance of electronic signatures.

European Digital Identity Wallets – trust framework

This initiative is one of four initiatives on the main set-up of the European Digital Identity Wallets.

It aims to ensure that the electronic notification system established by the European Commission acts as a secure and transparent communication channel for exchanging information between the Commission and the Member States.

European Digital Identity Wallets – person identification data and electronic attestations of attributes

This initiative is one of four initiatives on the main set-up of the European Digital Identity Wallets.

It aims to ensure the smooth lifecycle management of both personal identification data and electronic attestations, covering issuance, verification, revocation and suspension. This guarantees that users’ personal identification data and electronic attestations are issued to the wallet and can be disclosed to relevant parties.


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