Open Banking Conformance & Certification Workshop

またまたものすごく遅い告知ですが、本日4/27、日本時間午後10時より、英国 Open Banking Implementation Entity と OpenID Foundation の共催で、「Open Banking Conformance & Certification Workshop)が開催されます。わたしも、冒頭で10分ほどお話させていただきますので、もしご興味の有る方はご参加ください。Zoom でのミーティングです。登録はこちらから。

Table of Contents

Date And Time

Mon, 27 April 2020 14:00 – 17:00 BST


OBIE would like to invite you to a Conformance and Certification Workshop on Monday 27th April 2020. The workshop will run in conjunction with the OpenID Foundation on-line using Zoom (details will be sent to those who have registered).

The aim of this workshop is as follows:

  • To update participants on the latest developments in both the OIDF Financial-Grade API (FAPI) profile and the OBIE Standard.
  • To demonstrate the respective conformance tools and the benefits of certification.
  • To provide participants with help and support in using these tools.
  • To encourage a greater number of certifications.
  • Ultimately to help grow the open banking ecosystem, enhancing security and benefits for participants and end customers.

The primary audience for this workshop are ASPSPs, TPPs and vendors (TSPs) supporting the UK Open Banking (OBIE) Standard.

The secondary audience are those developing or supporting a related standard based on the Financial-Grade API (FAPI) profile.

Please see below the confluence link to the Agenda for the day. If you do not have access to Confluence, please contact who can provide access.


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