


1. My son I reared as might the brooding partridge
  Rear up an eaglet fall’n from storm-struck nest;
  My son, ah no ! one captained for high conflict,
  My chieftain husband’s heir and his bequest !
  No, mother’s part in him did my heart treasure,
  And he would go, and I could stand alone;
  Ah, so I thought, but now my heart-strings measure
  The love, the loss my son, my little son thou’rt gone !

2. I see the grey road winding, winding from me,
  And thou upon them exiled, and away;
  I turn unto the empty house that’s by me
  Ah, dark this day as on Wolfe Tone’s death’s day !
  But no, no, no ! Up from the sod beside me,
  Up, up, with glorious singing speeds the lark;
  ’Tis Wolfe Tone’s spirit, his, reconcile me,
  And in a swordflash, gone the loneliness the dark !

このルーツや歌詞についてのリンクで最も興味深かったのは ドナドナ研究室 No.010 ダニーボーイ だ。かなり読み応えがあるのでまずは読んでいただきたい。なお、このページではドナドナやラクラカチャなど他の曲についても突っ込んだリサーチがしてあるので、お勧めだ。


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